Monday, September 15, 2008

Globalization- Good or Evil?

I think that although globalization has the potential to be very good for the world, it is viewed as an evil process that should be stopped. Internationally, some countries aren't willing to give up their national identity for international news agencies reporting on their issues or a mass culture, often Western, that infiltrates their country. Likewise, within countries certain aspects of globalization can seem very threatening. Outsourcing threatens thousands of people's jobs everyday, as businesses can find cheaper labor in a different country. In the documentary Roger and Me Michael Moore tells a story of the people of Flint, Michigan, who had worked f0r GM all their lives, getting replaced by foreign workers and seriously taking a hit as their lifetime work in the factories suddenly uprooted and left them empty-handed. These people were furious and confused and no doubt others are scared of the thought of outsourcing leaving them out to dry. It's not to say that globalization isn't happening and isn't improving global communication, networking and general integration between different nations. I just think that some people probably are looking at more of the down sides than the ups.

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